
This is a calculator used to graph probabilities for various attack combinations for the A Song Of Ice and Fire Miniatures Game. This is a tabletop wargame based in G.R.R. Martin’s fantasy world where 2-4 (usually just 2) players build armies from different factions then compete to win a certain number of victory points. There are different game modes that determine how to achieve VPs, but generally killing your opponent’s troops will help.

The calculations used in determining how much damage to do to your opponent are simple to perform in-game, as it is simply a matter of rolling X dice, comparing to Y value, and repeat. However, there are combinations of modifiers and conditions that can skew these numbers, and I found it difficult to get a good intuitive sense of how these various effects compared to each other. Using this calculator you can explore the mathematical outcomes for different permutations and see the results for yourself.


  • Minimalist code, no importing a universal statistics library
  • Lightweight, stateless application
  • Learning exercise to freshen up on statistics

Statistics - Formulas

Binomial distribution
$$ P(X=r) = {n \choose r} \cdot p ^ r \cdot (1 - p) ^ {n - r} $$

N choose R
$$ {n \choose r} = \frac {n!} {r! (n - r)!} $$

Multinomial distribution
$$ f(x) = \frac {n!} {x_1! x_2! … x_n!} {\pi_1 ^ {x_1}} {\pi_2 ^ {x_2}} … {\pi_n ^ {x_n}} $$

Re-rolling (for both attack and defense rolls)
$$ p \prime = (1 - p)p $$

Statistics - Implementation

The statistics formulas used above are all implemented in JavaScript. There is a Statistics class that contains all the needed functions, including some pre-calculated factorials to avoid expensive computations:

class Statistics {
    constructor() {  
        this.factorials = [1, 1, 2, 6, 24, 120, 720, 5040, 40320, 362880, 3628800,
            39916800, 479001600, 6227020800, 87178291200,
            1307674368000, 20922789888000, 355687428096000];

    factorial(x) {
        if (this.factorials[x] > 0) {
            return this.factorials[x];
        let newFactorial = this.factorial(x - 1) * x;
        this.factorials[x] = newFactorial;
        return newFactorial;

    nCr(n, r) {
        return this.factorial(n) / (this.factorial(r) * this.factorial((n - r)));

    binomial(p, n, r) {
        return this.nCr(n, r) * (p ** r) * (1 - p) ** (n - r);

    multinomial(n, xVector, piVector) {
        if (xVector.length === 0 || xVector.length !== piVector.length) {
            throw "Vectors must be the same non-zero length";
        if (xVector.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0) !== n) {
            throw "x vector must sum to n";
        let denominator = 1;
        let rhs = 1;
        xVector.forEach((x, i) => {
            denominator *= this.factorial(x);
            rhs *= piVector[i] ** x;
        return (this.factorial(n) / denominator) * rhs;

These functions are then used within the rest of the app where needed in various calculate* functions such as this:

function calculateHits(options, hitChance) {
    let hitProbabilities = [];
    for (let numberOfHits = options.dice; numberOfHits >= 0; numberOfHits--) { 
        if (options.criticalBlow) {
            let singleHitChance = hitChance;
            let criticalBlowHitChance = 1 / 6;
            singleHitChance -= criticalBlowHitChance;
            let missChance = 1 - singleHitChance - criticalBlowHitChance;
            let maxPossibleSixes = options.dice - numberOfHits;
            for (let numberOfSixes = maxPossibleSixes; numberOfSixes >= 0; numberOfSixes--) {
                let numberOfMisses = options.dice - numberOfHits - numberOfSixes;
                let n = numberOfMisses + numberOfHits + numberOfSixes;
                let x = [numberOfMisses, numberOfHits, numberOfSixes];
                let pi = [missChance, singleHitChance, criticalBlowHitChance];
                let probability = STATISTICS.multinomial(n, x, pi);
                let totalHits = numberOfHits + 2 * numberOfSixes;
                let existingHitTotal = hitProbabilities.find(p => p.numberOfHits === totalHits);
                if (existingHitTotal) {
                    existingHitTotal.probability += probability;
                } else {
                    hitProbabilities.push({ numberOfHits: totalHits, probability: probability });
        } else {
            let probability = STATISTICS.binomial(hitChance, options.dice, numberOfHits);
            hitProbabilities.push({ numberOfHits: numberOfHits, probability: probability });

    hitProbabilities.sort((a, b) => a.numberOfHits - b.numberOfHits);
    return hitProbabilities;


Any time you make a change to any of the inputs, the chart at the bottom will recalculate automatically. You can compare 2 units by selecting different values on the left (Unit A) and right (Unit B) sets of inputs.

Unit A
Unit B


Average wounds:
Probability of panic:
Average panic wounds:
Average total wounds:
Average wounds:
Probability of panic:
Average panic wounds:
Average total wounds:

Chart type:

  • This will not re-roll hits that could be re-rolled in the hope of getting a 6 in order to combo with Critical Blow, although this technical would be a valid (if mathematically risky) strategy.
  • Any Charge re-rolls happen first and Weakened re-rolls happen second (this should technically trigger in order of who is the first player).
  • Always spend all condition tokens for re-rolls.