
Undaunted: Stalingrad is a legacy style boardgame within the broader Undaunted series. In many ways, Stalingrad feels like the culmination and refinement of all the ideas included within the first games. You play as a lieutenant in charge of a platoon of soldiers fighting their way through the city of Stalingard in World War II, representing your troops and the fog of war via brilliant deck-builder mechanics.

As this is a legacy game, you and your partner choose a faction, either the Germans or the Soviets, and then you play as that faction for every scenario. With each match there are 3 components:

  1. The game state, which simply identifies where you are in the network of possible outcomes.
  2. A briefing, which is a text description of the state of your platoon and the story of the battle. This will also include details that impact your deck, such as promotions or injuries.
  3. The scenario details themselves. This includes the map for that specific battle, victory conditions, special instructions for unlocking new units, or even secret intel in order to spring a trap on your opponent.

As you progress through the game you track the results of each match on a table at the front of your faction-specific scenario book. There is a lookup table to tell you which briefing corresponds with your game state based on the victor of the prior scenario. While playing through this, I became curious what the universe of possible routes to victory existed, so I decided to map them all out in a flowchart.

Technical Details

If you don’t care how I made this, skip ahead.

The chart itself is built with MermaidJS. I manually transcribed the game state permutations from the scenario books into a flat file, which I then loaded into a SQLite database which is included in this website’s static assets. This SQLite file is then loaded dynamically into the browser via sql.js. This DB is then queried via JavaScript to parse out the nodes and edges and build the Mermaid input graph, along with click events and highlighting based on user input.


  • Flowchart of game states, briefings, and scenarios
  • Highlighted route based on specified game states
  • Popups with briefing details including narrative & upgrades
  • Popups with scenario map silhouettes
  • Consolidated narratives based on specified game states
  • Animation of battle maps based on specified game states


Note that you can pan and zoom around the chart, which you will likely need as it is a large diagram. If you want to highlight a specific route, you can add a list of comma-separated game state codes in the input box, which will then highlight the associated nodes and edges.
